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Jace fans, this one’s for you. 🖤  July 12 was Different Eye Colour Day (yes, that is a thing) and we thought, what better way to celebrate than to dive into the magical world of heterochromia? The fascinating condition that manifests different eye colours in a single individual. Whether you consider it magical or mundane, […]

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Optician vs. Optometrist vs. Ophthalmologist: What’s the Difference?

Optician vs. Optometrist vs. Ophthalmologist: What's the Difference?

Optometry is a vast and deeply-detailed world, brimming with information, constant advances, and continuing studies. While this creates a space for a lot of education, it can also create a fair amount of confusion for patients outside of the optometry sphere in their everyday lives. One of the biggest questions that we see come up […]

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How Do People with Blindness See the World? 

When we think of Blindness, we often think of complete vision loss: no awareness of space, colour or movement, requiring physical aids to navigate the world. In reality, there are varying degrees of blindness, and complete blindness (inability to detect any sense of light) is actually considered quite rare. Many people with blindness actually have […]

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It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas: How to Avoid Scratching, Shooting & Whacking Your Eye Out this Holiday Season

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas - How to Avoid Scratching, Shooting & Whacking Your Eye Out this Holiday Season

It’s that magical time of year! The snow is here (for some of us), carols are on the radio (my condolences to the retail workers), and the holiday season is in full swing. Whether you’re drowning in Hallmark movies, travelling to see family, prepping a Yule log, or revelling in whatever your favourite holiday traditions […]

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